Capt. Balthazar Karatcut
Personal Bio
When not indulging in the finer things, Balthazar cosplays as a Human Resources professional named Michael, which is distressingly similar to being a captain of a pirate crew. A music major in college, he has been involved in performing his entire life, including musical theatre, voice acting, music performance, and stage/outdoor acting. Whether portraying voices for video game characters, helping bring renaissance fairs to life, leading guests around in the dark as a haunt tour guide, teaching music privately, or stage combatively stabbing people with their consent, he is constantly on the lookout to get further involved with the arts.
Captain’s Bio
Character: Balthazar Karatcut
Card: Nine of Diamonds
The Sin: Gluttony
AKA: The Scourge of Scotland, The Obstacle, The Unbound Appetite
Wanted For: Piracy of numerous merchant ships throughout the seas around the British Isles and Western Europe.
Having grown up squarely among the middle class in Bristol, Balthazar had the obtuse development of knowing about many of the finer things in life, but never actually having much of them. Too naive for his own good, he found himself press-ganged onto the 52 Pick Up. He was fortunate that their captain, Lewis Cohen recognized Balthazar’s peculiar talents: he knew good quality when he saw it, knew how best to use it, and a need to experience that quality. Captain Cohen stoked the fires of hunger in young Balthazar, who eventually would work under the quartermaster.
It would take several years and many products going missing before Balthazar was discovered. Unable to resist indulging, he had been skimming profits, goods, and victuals off the ship’s haul, hiding his activities. The captain knew he couldn’t keep the gluttonous pirate onboard without the crew trying to keelhaul him, but he also slightly admired Balthazar’s outright audacity to try and out-pirate his own crew. So one foggy evening in the Channel, Captain Cohen cast him off in a rowboat with the threat that should he ever cross him again, “the house will collect.”
Balthazar would coyly weasel his way into another crew, where he would ultimately help depose that crew’s leadership in a mutiny. Having avoided enough of the politicking to not be readily assassinated, he was nominated as captain. Much to his crew’s delight, Balthazar’s insatiable desire for the finer things and calculated risk taking, led them to a number of very high profile “ship assessments,” resulting in glorious loot to be had by all! Balthazar also credits much of his success to the many pirate friendly ports out there, who love the fact that he is more likely to spend his gains and indulge more than just hang on to it, allowing everyone locally to profit!
Balthazar is more than a little wary yet curious of his fellow sins. Having become captains in their own right, he is certain that they will be involved in something truly “delicious,” and wants in on the take.