Capt. Jaquilin ‘Jokaire’ Bower
Personal Bio
James has been a Haunt Actor since 2010, and recently joined the New Jersey Renaissance Faire for his first year in 2024. James has also done puppetry for most of his life, most noticeably with his head on a stick, Chuck, or his realistic but cuddly, stuffed alligator, Juggs. Regardless of role, expect a story or a laugh and maybe a few ADHD moments thrown in.
Captain’s Bio
Character: Jaquilin “Jokaire” Bower
Card :The Joker
The Sin: Lust
AKA: The Bower, The Harlequin
Wanted For: Cheating at Cards (Unproven!), Unconventional Skullduggery (Hearsay!), Non-payment of tabs, mostly at brothels (That’s…true), Piracy and pillaging of ports along the Atlantic coast. Bounty is doubled in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico (Reason Unspecified)
Jaqui was born in a caravan that traveled the land between cities that were completely landlocked. He spent most of his childhood thinking the largest body of water there could be was a large lake. At the age of thirteen his family travelled to the coast, finding a bustling city surrounding a port that homed sailors of all kinds. One look and he was in love with the sea, and vowed to travel it no matter what it took.
He Befriended a rugged looking man who turned out to be Captain Piers Griffith, and upon telling him of his new found love of the sea, begged the captain to take him as a member of his crew. Piers would teach him many things over the years when it came to sailing, but his favourite was learning to navigate the open waters. Jaqui loved his new family he had in Captain Griffith’s crew, but fate had other plans.
Jaqui was wagered by Griffith after another captain put one of his finest crew up for wager in a game of Liar’s Deck. Captain Cohen won 5 of them that night but Jaqui did not want to leave, He resented his new Captain and punched Cohen in the face upon learning of his new situation. Jaqui spent many nights in the brig for that but Cohen must have seen something in him, as he let him join the crew without any word about his transgression, perhaps cause he escaped the brig on a few occasions to have a drink with some of the crew.
Captain Cohen had Jaqui help with navigation after learning of his love for the skill. The ship's navigator shared many stories about the stars, and his life upon sea. By the time he was done with Jaqui, he was pretty good with a Diptych Dial, if you know what I mean. But Jaqui always wanted more! He dreamt of having his own ship and a crew, and one night at port gave him his opportunity.
After some debauchery with a sailor in a merchant fleet he learned of a mark that couldn’t be passed on. Jaqui asked Cohen if they could play a game of Euchre. Knowing his love of cards and gambling, Jaqui requested on a wager, but keeping his cards to his chest, asked for a life changing favor. The two played round after round, and Jaqui wanted to win more than anything in the world, and he wasn’t being coy about it. Finally Captain Cohen asked what his favor would entail, and Jaqui told him everything. There was a Fleet of 3 ships heading to a new trading port across the atlantic. They would be bringing as many supplies that they could to set up shop in the port and open new routes in the west. And he knew right where they were going to be sailing. If Jaqui won, he wanted freedom to take one of the ships, and some crew. They would split the earnings from anything they got and Jaqui would finally get his own ship.
Jaqui had been on the 52 Pickup for 7 long years, and Captain Cohen had seen Jaqui grow, not just in skill but in person, having him train a few of the crew his skills just as his predecessor had done with him. Cohen looked at the lust in Jaqui’s eyes as he told him everything. He stood up and folded his hand, saying “We will inform the crew in the morning, and if this succeeds, I’ll grant your request. You were always headstrong to get what you wanted, Jaqui.” Jaqui was in shock! After so many years he had never seen the Captain waver this close to winning, he had to see what his hand was. He looked at his hand and saw he was holding both Bowers, a soul crushing winning hand. Jaqui would take this as his Captains name and be known as Captain Jokaire after the hand that secured him his own Ship.
After taking control of the ship and securing his Title of Captain “Jokaire”. He parted ways with the 52 Pickup and its crew, and named his ship the “Lucky Lady” sailing from port to port, making enough to keep his crew happy and fed. Jaqui still hungered for more, always lusting for the next big thing, but at least the brothels were always happy to see him. Who knows what adventures his Sextant would take him to next!