Capt. Kassandra Vasiliki
Personal Bio
When she is not sailing the seven seas as the prideful Pirate Queen, Kassandra impersonates a healthcare professional named Julia. Julia is a lover of all things music and theater and is excited to get back into performing after over a decade. In her free time, she loves to play guitar, travel, and hang out with her husband and four furbabies (two dogs and two cats)!
Captain’s Bio
Character: Kassandra Vasiliki (she/her)
Card: Queen of Hearts
The Sin: Pride
AKA: The Red Queen, Vainglory, Judith, The Evil Eye
Wanted For: Piracy, Uncontrolled Vanity, Shades of Arrogance, Swagger of Self-Importance, Murder and the Collection of her Lovers & Husband’s Hearts
Kassandra came from humble beginnings, growing up in a fishing village on an island in the Mediterranean. From a young age, she was revered for her innate sailing skills, garnishing praise and attention, which she loved. Looking for nothing less than perfection, she believed herself to be far superior to the rest of her village. Her mother regaled her with stories of their ancestor, the legendary Pirate Lord Barbarossa, which only fueled her desire to become more than a simple island fisherfolk, and perhaps become a legend herself.
Knowing she was destined for greatness, but lacking the funds to finance her own ship, Kassandra devised a plan to make her way onto the 52 Pickup, a pirate ship sailing under the flag of the notorious Captain Lewis Cohen. The next time the 52 Pickup came to port on her island, Kassandra made sure to make an impression on Captain Cohen. Known for his appreciation of headstrong women, Kassandra took this opportunity to charm the captain with her superior intelligence and flawless wit. Intrigued by this woman, who was clearly more than meets the eye, Captain Cohen extended an offer to Kassandra to join his crew.
Quickly proving herself to be far better than the rest of the pirates at everything, Kassandra obliged herself to become First Mate, gaining loyalty and respect from many of the crew and especially that of Captain Cohen who was in awe of her. However, First Mate wasn't good enough for Kassandra. Her desire was to be Captain, for afterall, she was the descendant of pirate royalty.
Knowing that Cohen had fallen for her allure, she found herself married to him. In a plan to take over the ship, she tried to murder Cohen in his sleep. Knowing of his wife's arrogance and desire for power, but admiring her for it nonetheless, he often suspected this would happen. Recognizing her need for power and not wanting to hurt her pride, Cohen quietly cast her off the ship with a hefty amount of gold, and several crew loyal to her so she could make her own way as the pirate captain/queen she always longed to be. He hoped to reunite in the future, when her needs for power had been met.
Kassandra became known as the Red Queen, commanding a fearsome fleet of ships known by their crimson flags, stealing hearts, and taking ships across the Mediterranean. Pirates from all around are desperate to join her legendary crew and become a part of her great legacy. Some say she is too good to be true, others say she made a deal with the devil, but if you ask her crew, they'll happily tell you she is just simply superior in every way.