Capt. Nazmidran Tovi

Personal Bio

When not being a menace to getting a good night's rest, Nazmidran has flown under the alias of Nicole or Nic (she/they) who attends to Document Control and Quality Data. She graduated with a degree in Art History and has always been performing in one fashion or another. Ballet, figure skating, singing, piano, harp, violin, Chinese classical dance, stage combat, and even voice acting, this captain has had quite the eclectic lifestyle.

Captain’s Bio

Character: Nazmidran Tovi  

Card: Queen of Spades

The Sin: Sloth

AKA: The Dark Lady, Calamity Jane,  Pallas Athena

Wanted For: Piracy and other strange, supernatural occurrences…

Pirates are a superstitious lot. They’ll believe in the wildest of tales, the strangest tasks to clear away “bad luck,” and that there be sirens in the waters. Nazmidran has taken advantage of this fact at every possible turn. Born to parents she never met, and raised in an orphanage that held too many kids as it was, she’s ever been reliant on her own capabilities. This independence caught Captain Lewis Cohen’s eye when this urchin not only managed to catch him unawares in a threat for his coin, but also sent a shiver down his spine by the look in her eyes. He, an accomplished captain that he was, a-feared for his life by a lass of 17! 

The tingle in his spine proved to his benefit as she already appeared quite knowledgeable about ships and would take to her tasks without a word. She was diligent, near silent, and caused nary a fuss with the crew. It took years before he noticed that Nazmi was seen less and less on the deck, tugging at the lines or cleaning, with others having taken over the task. When he asked the men what they were doing, they blearily answered, “You told me to do it.” Well, Cohen knew that he had certainly not! This task should have been Nazmidran! Whenever he DID manage to find her, it was in the darkest corner with a gentle hum in her throat and an easy-as-you-please demeanor.  

Yet… the captain found he could never bark her down. It was always, “Aye, Captain. Of course, Captain.” And always with that Damned. Easy. Smile. 

How was she doing it? Had he finally found the bad luck charm amongst the other crew that were of the feminine persuasion? Were the tales true? 

In matters of truth, the good Captain never had to toss Nazmidran overboard, for one day, she simply… vanished. Like the sea breeze she was there, and then went with her pockets heavier with what many would call “odd” trinkets in particular to grab. Of course there was gold, but why would she take a favored ring, locks of hair, and other seemingly mundane items? The crew never did find out. 

It wasn’t until the tales of a dark ship that sailed with an equally dark crew that plundered the landlocked Black Sea before being spotted off the coasts of Asia. This had to be a ghost crew, for where was the captain? And how did they manage to GET there?? What was whispered was that if you ever did catch a glimpse of her, then it was far, FAR, too late. For what the poor souls who met with Captain Tovi was her sitting with a gentle hum in her throat and an easy-as-you-please demeanor.  Except… her expression would grow cold as stone as she starts to stand, “You’ve made me have to get up. And if there is one thing I loathe, it is having to get up.” 

The Queen of Spades has her carefully maintained system so that she may enjoy the leisure that piratical royalty brings. Getting to do… Nothing.